Update on the enrolment zone

The establishment board at its meeting on 5th June considered all of the submissions that had been received following the public consultation meetings held earlier in May.

Submissions were received  from a number of people who live outside the draft zone asking for the zone boundary to be extended to enable their street to be included.  A number of postings have also been made to this website.  Letters have been received from two of the surrounding schools and two people requested meetings with the board to enable them to express their views.

The board has considered all the responses that it has received and has compiled a letter to the Ministry of Education outlining how these views may impact on the draft zone and has included a copy of the submissions.

We will then await the outcome of the Ministry’s considerations.

August Update

The Ministry of Education has finalised the Enrolment Scheme for our school. The Establishment Board of Trustees will adopt it at their next meeting and then they will place notices in the local newspapers. Everyone who has completed an ‘Intention to Enrol’ form on our website has been contacted by email to inform them of whether their address is in zone or out of zone. We will not be accepting any Out of Zone enrolments in 2015.

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