Family Information Evening

In-Zone families are invited to attend the Family Information Evening on Wednesday 26 November 2014

This will be held at Ormiston Senior College, beginning at 7.00pm

We will discuss:-

Building and Enrolment Update
Introducing our Learning Coaches
A Day and Life of a Learner
Uniform, Stationery, BYOD
Opening Day Plans
Other Developments

We look forward to sharing our exciting developments since our last community meeting.

Community Evening for our parents and children

Last Wednesday night, we hosted over 70 in-zone parents and their children who had completed an ‘Intention to Enrol’ online form in becoming a part of the Ormiston Primary School team for 2015

It was designed to provide our parent community with a  sense of where we have been and where we are heading over the next few months. It also gave them a chance to talk to us about what they are wanting for their children in an education at Ormiston Primary School. The uniform and logo was also unveiled on this night. 

I have included the Prezi that we designed for the presentation.

Applicant Information Seminar

Last night, we hosted around 60 educators who were interested in becoming a part of the Ormiston Primary School team.

It was designed to provide potential applicants with both content and also give a sense of our context and for where we have been and where we are heading over the next few months.

I have included the Prezi that we designed for the presentation.